The Granville County Soil and Water District Supervisor Board recently swore in three members for new terms and recognized one of their own for his ten years of experience serving Granville County.
The City of Oxford Board of Commissioners is pleased to announce Steven L. Harrell of Winterville, NC will serve as Oxford's Interim City Manager effective January 3, 2023.
.The Granville County Opioid Advisory Committee is seeking public input to determine strategies that Granville County will utilize for funding from the National Opioid Settlements.
On behalf of the Granville County (NC) Board of Elections, we would like to say a resounding “thank you” to the 145 Election Workers that worked the 3 polls during One-Stop and the 15 precincts on Election Day.
The Warren County Memorial Library will host the “Oasis Spaces: North Carolina Green Book Project, 1933-1966” exhibit from December 12th through January 31st.